The human protein atlas blog

ASCB/EMBO meeting starts on the 2 December

Cell Atlas Human Protein Atlas

The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) jointly organize the first international conference on cell biology of brain. The ASCB/EMBO meeting takes place in Philadelphia on the 2-4 of December 2017.

The conference brings together a program covering presentations from molecular structure and function analysis to signalling pathways, immunity and cellular interplay in organoids.

At the meeting, Dr. Emma Lundberg presents "What is an atlas and why is it important to build?" in a subgroup aiming to discuss the creation of a multiscale, multidimensional Human Cell Atlas. She introduces the accomplishments, challenges and importance of building knowledge-based portals such as a Cell Atlas. Dr Mathias Uhlen presents a talk entitled "Status of the Human Protein Atlas" covering the recent development of this open access database for human protein profiles in normal and disease cells, tissues and organs.

Two posters and a presentation at the microsymposium on Monday about "An image-based subcellular map of the human proteome" by Peter Thul rounds up the scientific program. During the meeting scientists from the Cell Atlas group are presenting different parts of the protein atlas, in a booth (#218) to interested visitors.

The agenda of the ASCB/EMBO meeting aims to ensure dissemination of research regarding brain biology to a wide audience, paving the path for increased collaborations across national boundaries and provide inspiration to future research.

Cristina Al-Khalili Szigyarto

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