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e.g. RBM3, insulin, CD36
Explore the

Pathology Atlas

Welcome to the Pathology Atlas in which the patient overall survival as a consequence of the transcript levels of all individual human genes can be explored across all major cancer types. Here, individual genes and/or various cancer types can be investigated using an interactive and open access database. The atlas is described in more detail by Uhlen et al "A pathology atlas of the human cancer transcriptome" in Science (August 18, 2017). Read more

Explore the

Cell Atlas

Spatial partitioning of biological processes is a phenomenon fundamental to life. The Cell Atlas resolves the spatial distribution of the human proteome at a subcellular level. A multitude of high-resolution confocal images are presented in this interactive database; describing organelle proteomes, multilocalizing proteins and single cell variations - altogether detailing the complex map of the human cell. Read more
Explore the

Tissue Atlas

The tissue-restricted expression of the human proteome and transcriptome can be explored in all major tissues and organs in the human body. The list of genes with elevated expression in a particular tissue can be accessed with direct links to the primary data (images).

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  • read the latest article in the blog - published Wed, 29 Nov 2017
    The Human Protein Atlas Blog
    ASCB/EMBO meeting starts on the 2 December

    The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) jointly organize the first international conference on cell biology of brain. The ASCB/EMBO meeting takes place in Philadelphia on the 2-4 of December 2017.... Read more

  • read the published full story of the subcellular proteome analysis
    Research Article
    A subcellular map of the human proteome
  • image of the day
  • enriched and group enriched genes in testis
  • dictionary: cell structure
  •    fiber specific expression of myosin, light chain 3 in skeletal muscle
Version: 17
Atlas updated: 2017-08-17
release history

Proteome analysis based on
25682 antibodies targeting
16998 unique proteins.
The Human Protein Atlas project is funded
by the Knut & Alice Wallenberg foundation.