The human protein atlas blog

Release of Human protein Atlas version 15

HPA15 Release RNA Tissue Atlas Transcriptome

RNA and protein expression overview
RNA expression overview of in-house generated data and GTEx data

Today, a new version, number 15, of The Human Protein Atlas is launched that includes extensive transcriptomics data and a new display view to allow comparisons of human tissue profiles on both the RNA and protein level. In this new version it is possible to do comparisons of primary data from several sources, including external efforts such as the GTEx dataset generated from the Broad Institute in Boston, US.

The GTEx dataset includes more than 1600 postmortem samples from mostly overlapping, but in some cases unique, tissues compared to the Human Protein Atlas consortium. RNA-seq data from 28 of the GTEx tissues with a corresponding tissue in Human Protein Atlas have been included to allow for direct comparisons between the Human Protein Atlas and GTEx data sets.

The launch is accompanied with an article in the journal Molecular Systems Biology describing transcriptome resources with a focus on the comparison between the GTEx and The Human Protein Atlas datasets. Here, publicly available human transcriptome resources and the possible use of these databases for various applications is discussed.

Read the whole article in Molecular Systems Biology

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