The human protein atlas blog

Wellness Profiling program presented at the EMBL organised symposium - From Single to Multi-omics

blood samples Human Protein Atlas SCAPISAffinity proteomics Wellness Wellness project

At the EMBO|EMBL symposia "From Single to Multi-omics: Applications and Challenges in Data Integration" in Heidelberg, Germany, on November 13, Dr Linn Fagerberg presents the talk entitled "Integrative omics profiling within the Swedish SCAPIS SciLifeLab (S3) Wellness Profiling program". The talk focuses on the integration of data retrieved from the analysis of biological samples collected within the SCAPIS project using different technological platforms. On the same day, Dr Fredrik Edfors participates in the poster session with a poster entitled "Gene specific correlation between protein and RNA"...Read more

Proteomics methods promote understanding autoimmunity in neurodegenerative disorders

Affinity proteomics blood samples Malaria Multiple Sclerosis narcolepsy Neurodegenerative disorders Plasma Plasma Profilling psychosis

Arash Zandian's doctoral thesis defense at SciLifeLab, KTH

The last decades of technical development and availability of protein and peptide microarrays have enabled large-scale profiling of antibodies and precise determination of their specificities through epitope mapping. This has enabled characterization of the human immune response and the produced antibodies. Beside exploring the auto-antibody repertoire, this approach also identifies key autoantigens targeted by the antibodies in e.g. neurodegenerative disorders...Read more

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