The human protein atlas blog

Site director with a fascination for patterns

Human Protein Atlas Immunocytochemistry Interview Microarray Proteomics RNA-seq Tissue Atlas

Cecilia Lindskog, site director of the Tissue Atlas

Time has come for the second interview with a researcher within the Human Protein Atlas project. Today we meet Cecilia Lindskog, site director of the Tissue Atlas.

– I have a Master of Science in Biomedicine and a Doctor of Philosophy in pathology from the Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University. I joined the Human Protein Atlas project in 2006, and also have industry experience in the biotechnology industry, from Oncomark Ltd, Dublin, Ireland.

Cecilia Lindskog´s main research interests have always been understanding the biology and functions of different organs, and the underlying mechanisms leading to cancer and other diseases...Read more

Biomarker for prognosis in endometrial carcinoma

ASRGL1 Cancer Endometrial Carcinoma Microarray Tissue Atlas

Reduced expression of ASRGL1 was significantly associated with poor prognosis and reduced disease-specific survival.

Loss of ASRGL1 expression is an independent biomarker for disease-specific survival in endometrioid endometrial carcinoma

The ASRGL1 protein is a novel, powerful, and independent biomarker for prognosis in endometrial carcinoma.

In a recent study by scientists from the Human Protein Atlas project and collaborators at the University of Bergen and University of Turku, the l-asparaginase (ASRGL1) protein was identified as an endometrial carcinoma biomarker candidate by searches in the HPA-database.

ASRGL1 expression was immunohistochemically evaluated on two large independent endometrial carcinoma cohorts using an extensively validated antibody...Read more

Antibody validation and autoimmunity profiling

Cross-reactivity HuProt Microarray Multiple Sclerosis Validation

Exploration of high-density protein microarrays for antibody validation and autoimmunity profiling

Protein fragments are used within the Human Protein Atlas project for the generation of antibodies, these fragments have also been utilized for the validation of the antibodies on antigen microarrays.

All antibodies produced by the Human Protein Atlas have been validated for target recognition on antigen microarrays comprising of their target antigen and 383 other protein fragments. In total over 42.000 protein fragments have been arranged in sets of 384...Read more

Investigating autoantibody reactivity in lungs

Autoantibody Autoimmunity Microarray Sarcoidosis

A study of autoimmune targets in sarcoidosis revealed higher reactivity in patients compared to controls for four proteins in both bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and serum.

Proteomic Profiling Reveals Autoimmune Targets in Sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory lung disease with unknown cause. Previous research has shown that sarcoidosis patients have generally higher levels of antibodies compared to healthy controls but so far the role and protein targets of these antibodies are not well understood.

In this study we used protein microarrays to investigate autoantibody targets in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in the search for autoantigens associated to disease...Read more

A prognosis based classification of uterin cancer

Cancer Microarray Tissue Atlas Undifferentiated uterine sarcoma

The ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus

A prognosis based classification of undifferentiated uterine sarcomas: Identification of mitotic index, hormone receptors and YWHAE-FAM22 translocation status as predictors of survival

Undifferentiated uterine sarcomas (UUS) are rare tumors with a heterologous biology and a poor prognosis.

In a recent study by scientists from the Human Protein Atlas project and colleagues, the relevance of clinicopathology, mitotic index, translocation status (YWHAE-FAM22), and a number of biomarker candidates were examined for correlation with the prognosis of these tumors. The protein biomarkers P53, P16, Ki-67, Cyclin-D1, ER, PR, and ANLN were evaluated by immunohistochemistry...Read more

Blog archive

2017 (57)
2016 (76)
2015 (13)