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TMPRSS12 Transmembrane (C-terminal) protease, serine 12 Enzymes Predicted membrane proteins Predicted secreted proteins Tissue enriched
TMPRSS13 Transmembrane protease, serine 13 Enzymes Plasma proteins Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted membrane proteins Tissue enhanced
TMPRSS15 Transmembrane protease, serine 15 Disease related genes Enzymes Potential drug targets Predicted intracellular proteins Tissue enriched
TMPRSS2 Transmembrane protease, serine 2 Cancer-related genes Enzymes Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted membrane proteins Nucleoplasm Cell Junctions Tissue enhanced
TMPRSS3 Transmembrane protease, serine 3 Cancer-related genes Disease related genes Enzymes Potential drug targets Predicted membrane proteins Tissue enhanced
TMPRSS4 Transmembrane protease, serine 4 Enzymes Plasma proteins Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted membrane proteins Nucleoplasm Cytosol Tissue enhanced
TMPRSS5 Transmembrane protease, serine 5 Disease related genes Enzymes Potential drug targets Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted membrane proteins Predicted secreted proteins Nucleoplasm Tissue enhanced
TMPRSS6 Transmembrane protease, serine 6 Disease related genes Enzymes Plasma proteins Potential drug targets Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted membrane proteins Group enriched
TMPRSS7 Transmembrane protease, serine 7 Enzymes Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted membrane proteins Tissue enhanced
TMPRSS9 Transmembrane protease, serine 9 Enzymes Predicted membrane proteins Tissue enhanced
TPP1 Tripeptidyl peptidase I Disease related genes Enzymes Plasma proteins Potential drug targets Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted secreted proteins Expressed in all
TPP2 Tripeptidyl peptidase II Enzymes Plasma proteins Predicted intracellular proteins Nuclear bodies Cytosol Expressed in all
TPSAB1 Tryptase alpha/beta 1 Enzymes Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted secreted proteins Tissue enhanced
TPSB2 Tryptase beta 2 (gene/pseudogene) Enzymes Predicted secreted proteins Tissue enhanced
TPSD1 Tryptase delta 1 Enzymes Predicted secreted proteins Tissue enhanced
TPSG1 Tryptase gamma 1 Enzymes Predicted membrane proteins Tissue enhanced
TYSND1 Trypsin domain containing 1 Enzymes Predicted intracellular proteins Nucleoplasm Centrosome Cytosol Mixed
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