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IH abundance (Normal Tissue)
RNA abundance (Normal Tissue)
APOL1 Apolipoprotein L, 1
Renal cancer: 7.43e-6 Urothelial cancer: 2.01e-5 Lung cancer: 5.35e-4 Expressed in all
ARSE Arylsulfatase E (chondrodysplasia punctata 1)
Golgi apparatus Colorectal cancer: 8.95e-4 Tissue enhanced kidney: 41.1 liver: 49.1
ART3 ADP-ribosyltransferase 3
Tissue enhanced skeletal muscle: 77.0 testis: 173.4
ART4 ADP-ribosyltransferase 4 (Dombrock blood group)
Rods & Rings Tissue enhanced liver: 27.1 spleen: 27.3
ATP13A1 ATPase type 13A1
Vesicles Renal cancer: 6.51e-4 Expressed in all
ATP5F1 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex, subunit B1
Nucleoplasm Mitochondria Renal cancer: 3.26e-9 Stomach cancer: 8.07e-4 Expressed in all
ATP6AP1 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal accessory protein 1
Plasma membrane Microtubules Cytosol Renal cancer: 5.26e-8 Breast cancer: 2.40e-4 Glioma: 7.82e-4 Pancreatic cancer: 7.83e-4 Expressed in all
ATP6AP2 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal accessory protein 2
Renal cancer: 2.01e-5 Expressed in all
BACE2 Beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2
Cervical cancer: 1.11e-4 Glioma: 8.13e-4 Mixed
BCAM Basal cell adhesion molecule (Lutheran blood group)
Nucleoli fibrillar center Renal cancer: 5.94e-6 Endometrial cancer: 1.24e-5 Colorectal cancer: 2.31e-4 Expressed in all
BCAP29 B-cell receptor-associated protein 29
Cytosol Liver cancer: 3.62e-4 Expressed in all
BDNF Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Nuclear speckles Mitochondria Tissue enhanced cerebral cortex: 12.0
BOC BOC cell adhesion associated, oncogene regulated
Nucleoplasm Plasma membrane Urothelial cancer: 1.18e-5 Head and neck cancer: 4.89e-4 Mixed
BPI Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein
Tissue enriched 36 bone marrow: 963.1
BSG Basigin (Ok blood group)
Vesicles Renal cancer: 1.95e-6 Liver cancer: 5.48e-6 Endometrial cancer: 2.59e-4 Expressed in all
BTN2A2 Butyrophilin, subfamily 2, member A2
Mitochondria Breast cancer: 1.01e-4 Mixed
BTN3A1 Butyrophilin, subfamily 3, member A1
Vesicles Renal cancer: 4.15e-5 Urothelial cancer: 4.81e-4 Expressed in all
BTN3A2 Butyrophilin, subfamily 3, member A2
Renal cancer: 4.24e-4 Expressed in all
BTN3A3 Butyrophilin, subfamily 3, member A3
Renal cancer: 2.42e-5 Ovarian cancer: 1.80e-4 Mixed
C11orf24 Chromosome 11 open reading frame 24
Nucleoplasm Vesicles Renal cancer: 1.60e-9 Lung cancer: 6.05e-4 Glioma: 9.83e-4 Expressed in all
C12orf76 Chromosome 12 open reading frame 76
Plasma membrane Actin filaments Renal cancer: 5.74e-5 Lung cancer: 6.44e-5 Expressed in all
C1orf159 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 159
Nucleoli fibrillar center Cytosol Renal cancer: 1.77e-6 Liver cancer: 9.58e-6 Urothelial cancer: 1.62e-4 Mixed
C3orf33 Chromosome 3 open reading frame 33
Nucleoplasm Cytosol Renal cancer: 6.48e-7 Mixed
C6orf25 Chromosome 6 open reading frame 25
Golgi apparatus Not detected
CA9 Carbonic anhydrase IX
Plasma membrane Cytosol Renal cancer: 2.22e-7 Liver cancer: 1.71e-5 Testis cancer: 9.50e-4 Tissue enhanced gallbladder: 36.1 stomach: 92.4
CACNA2D1 Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2/delta subunit 1
Renal cancer: 1.16e-4 Mixed
CACNA2D4 Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2/delta subunit 4
Not detected
CADM3 Cell adhesion molecule 3
Renal cancer: 1.03e-5 Urothelial cancer: 5.75e-4 Tissue enhanced cerebral cortex: 279.4 placenta: 113.9
CALCR Calcitonin receptor N/A
Tissue enhanced kidney: 2.1 testis: 1.4
CALCRL Calcitonin receptor-like
Plasma membrane Tissue enhanced lung: 114.4
CAMK2D Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta
Plasma membrane Cell Junctions Expressed in all
CANX Calnexin
Endoplasmic reticulum Colorectal cancer: 1.38e-4 Thyroid cancer: 3.17e-4 Expressed in all
CATSPERG Catsper channel auxiliary subunit gamma
Nucleus Nucleoli Cytosol Tissue enriched 41 testis: 48.5
CCL5 Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5
Renal cancer: 3.61e-7 Endometrial cancer: 1.34e-5 Melanoma: 2.42e-4 Tissue enhanced spleen: 81.8
CCL7 Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 7
Group enriched 8 appendix: 3.6 bone marrow: 15.3
CD164 CD164 molecule, sialomucin
Expressed in all
CD1E CD1e molecule
Tissue enhanced skin: 18.3
CD2 CD2 molecule
Renal cancer: 4.82e-6 Endometrial cancer: 1.69e-5 Melanoma: 3.97e-5 Head and neck cancer: 7.46e-5 Cervical cancer: 1.47e-4 Breast cancer: 4.36e-4 Ovarian cancer: 7.72e-4 Tissue enhanced lymph node: 132.9
CD200 CD200 molecule
CD200R1 CD200 receptor 1
Tissue enhanced spleen: 14.7
CD22 CD22 molecule
Tissue enhanced lymph node: 269.3 ovary: 163.3 spleen: 155.4 tonsil: 219.0
CD226 CD226 molecule
Tissue enriched 11 parathyroid gland: 312.4
CD276 CD276 molecule
Vesicles Renal cancer: 6.31e-5 Liver cancer: 9.81e-4 Mixed
CD300A CD300a molecule
Renal cancer: 1.91e-5 Tissue enhanced spleen: 87.2
CD300LB CD300 molecule-like family member b
Tissue enhanced appendix: 11.7
CD300LF CD300 molecule-like family member f
Tissue enhanced lung: 25.6 spleen: 28.6
CD300LG CD300 molecule-like family member g
Group enriched 5 adipose tissue: 142.8 placenta: 85.6 testis: 33.9
CD3D CD3d molecule, delta (CD3-TCR complex)
Endometrial cancer: 1.73e-7 Renal cancer: 3.07e-5 Cervical cancer: 8.46e-5 Head and neck cancer: 1.70e-4 Breast cancer: 3.00e-4 Urothelial cancer: 6.16e-4 Tissue enhanced lymph node: 202.6 tonsil: 124.1
CD4 CD4 molecule
Plasma membrane Endometrial cancer: 2.16e-4 Renal cancer: 7.45e-4 Tissue enhanced parathyroid gland: 538.7
CD40 CD40 molecule, TNF receptor superfamily member 5
Renal cancer: 4.48e-4 Expressed in all
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