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SFTPA1Surfactant protein A1Disease related genes
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
SFTPBSurfactant protein BDisease related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
SFTPCSurfactant protein CDisease related genes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Tissue enriched
SFTA3Surfactant associated 3Predicted intracellular proteins
Group enriched
SFTPA2Surfactant protein A2Disease related genes
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
SCGB3A2Secretoglobin, family 3A, member 2Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
AGERAdvanced glycosylation end product-specific receptorCancer-related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Nucleoli fibrillar center
Plasma membrane
Cell Junctions
Tissue enriched
NKX2-1NK2 homeobox 1Cancer-related genes
Disease related genes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Transcription factors
Golgi apparatus
Group enriched
CLDN18Claudin 18Predicted membrane proteins
Group enriched
C4BPAComplement component 4 binding protein, alphaPlasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
SFTPDSurfactant protein DPredicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
ROS1ROS proto-oncogene 1 , receptor tyrosine kinaseCancer-related genes
Disease related genes
Potential drug targets
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
VesiclesGroup enriched
AQP4Aquaporin 4Predicted membrane proteins
Plasma membrane
Cell Junctions
Group enriched
GGTLC1Gamma-glutamyltransferase light chain 1Predicted intracellular proteins
Group enriched
NAPSANapsin A aspartic peptidaseEnzymes
Plasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
RASGRF1Ras protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 1Predicted intracellular proteins
RAS pathway related proteins
Golgi apparatusGroup enriched
CHIAChitinase, acidicEnzymes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
LRRN4Leucine rich repeat neuronal 4Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
MS4A15Membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 15Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
SFTA2Surfactant associated 2Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
C6orf223Chromosome 6 open reading frame 223Predicted intracellular proteins
Nucleoli fibrillar centerGroup enriched
DCSTAMPDendrocyte expressed seven transmembrane proteinPredicted membrane proteins
Group enriched
SLC34A2Solute carrier family 34 (type II sodium/phosphate cotransporter), member 2Cancer-related genes
Disease related genes
Potential drug targets
Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
SLC6A4Solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 4FDA approved drug targets
Predicted membrane proteins
Golgi apparatus
Group enriched
UPK3BUroplakin 3BPredicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
CHIT1Chitinase 1 (chitotriosidase)Candidate cardiovascular disease genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
MCEMP1Mast cell-expressed membrane protein 1Predicted membrane proteins
Group enriched
MSLNMesothelinCancer-related genes
Disease related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
SCGB1A1Secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1 (uteroglobin)Cancer-related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
BPIFA1BPI fold containing family A, member 1Plasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
CYP2F1Cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily F, polypeptide 1Enzymes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
RS1Retinoschisin 1Disease related genes
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
RTKN2Rhotekin 2Predicted intracellular proteins
Tissue enriched
SEC14L4SEC14-like lipid binding 4Predicted intracellular proteins
CentrosomeGroup enriched
CES1Carboxylesterase 1Enzymes
FDA approved drug targets
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Endoplasmic reticulumGroup enriched
LAMP3Lysosomal-associated membrane protein 3CD markers
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
LGI3Leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 3Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
CytosolGroup enriched
MROH9Maestro heat-like repeat family member 9Predicted intracellular proteins
Group enriched
SLC22A31Solute carrier family 22, member 31Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
TBX5T-box 5Disease related genes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Transcription factors
NucleoplasmGroup enriched
AGTR2Angiotensin II receptor, type 2G-protein coupled receptors
Predicted membrane proteins
Group enriched
CACNA2D2Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2/delta subunit 2FDA approved drug targets
Predicted intracellular proteins
VesiclesTissue enriched
CEACAM6Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (non-specific cross reacting antigen)Cancer-related genes
CD markers
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Group enriched
COL6A5Collagen, type VI, alpha 5Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
FCN3Ficolin (collagen/fibrinogen domain containing) 3Disease related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
FHAD1Forkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1Predicted intracellular proteins
Group enriched
GPIHBP1Glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored high density lipoprotein binding protein 1Disease related genes
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
HIGD1BHIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family, member 1BPredicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Group enriched
LILRB3Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 3CD markers
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
OLR1Oxidized low density lipoprotein (lectin-like) receptor 1Disease related genes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Plasma membrane
Group enriched

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