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IH abundance (Normal Tissue)
RNA abundance (Normal Tissue)
ACOT7 Acyl-CoA thioesterase 7
Nucleoplasm Cytosol Renal cancer: 2.55e-6 Liver cancer: 2.31e-5 Lung cancer: 1.29e-4 Tissue enhanced cerebral cortex: 129.6
ACOT8 Acyl-CoA thioesterase 8
Vesicles Mitochondria Renal cancer: 3.18e-4 Expressed in all
ACOT9 Acyl-CoA thioesterase 9
Nucleoplasm Plasma membrane Cytosol Liver cancer: 3.23e-4 Expressed in all
ACOX1 Acyl-CoA oxidase 1, palmitoyl
Nucleus Vesicles Renal cancer: 5.25e-7 Expressed in all
ACOX2 Acyl-CoA oxidase 2, branched chain
Vesicles Mitochondria Tissue enhanced liver: 87.8
ACOX3 Acyl-CoA oxidase 3, pristanoyl
Peroxisomes Endometrial cancer: 2.16e-4 Expressed in all
ACOXL Acyl-CoA oxidase-like N/A
Nucleoli Cytosol Urothelial cancer: 6.48e-4 Group enriched 5 epididymis: 9.2 lung: 14.6 parathyroid gland: 7.4 prostate: 5.5 testis: 5.3 urinary bladder: 8.0
ACP1 Acid phosphatase 1, soluble
Nucleus Cytosol Liver cancer: 6.67e-6 Melanoma: 3.04e-4 Expressed in all
ACP5 Acid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant
Cytosol Tissue enhanced lung: 254.2
ACP6 Acid phosphatase 6, lysophosphatidic N/A
Urothelial cancer: 6.44e-4 Expressed in all
ACPP Acid phosphatase, prostate
Tissue enriched 153 prostate: 6368.2
ACR Acrosin
Tissue enriched 56 testis: 115.9
ACRBP Acrosin binding protein
Nucleoplasm Vesicles Tissue enriched 19 testis: 432.6
ACRC Acidic repeat containing
Vesicles Group enriched 5 adrenal gland: 5.9 testis: 20.6
ACRV1 Acrosomal vesicle protein 1
Tissue enriched 37 testis: 152.8
ACSBG1 Acyl-CoA synthetase bubblegum family member 1
Vesicles Tissue enhanced cerebral cortex: 25.7 skin: 13.3
ACSBG2 Acyl-CoA synthetase bubblegum family member 2
Cytosol Tissue enriched 709 testis: 291.8
ACSF2 Acyl-CoA synthetase family member 2
Nucleoplasm Microtubules Cytosol Renal cancer: 2.17e-4 Urothelial cancer: 2.41e-4 Tissue enhanced kidney: 136.1
ACSL1 Acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 1
Nucleus Mitochondria Renal cancer: 1.25e-5 Expressed in all
ACSL3 Acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3
Nucleoli Lipid droplets Liver cancer: 2.75e-4 Lung cancer: 8.78e-4 Expressed in all
ACSL4 Acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 4
Golgi apparatus Mitochondria Urothelial cancer: 5.73e-4 Expressed in all
ACSL5 Acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 5
Nucleus Mitochondria Endometrial cancer: 1.13e-4 Expressed in all
ACSL6 Acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 6
Group enriched 6 bone marrow: 18.0 cerebral cortex: 62.1 parathyroid gland: 22.1 seminal vesicle: 28.7 testis: 51.2
ACSM1 Acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 1 N/A
Tissue enriched 55 breast: 293.3
ACSM2A Acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 2A
Liver cancer: 1.41e-5 Group enriched 578 kidney: 284.3 liver: 185.7
ACSM2B Acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 2B
Liver cancer: 3.31e-4 Group enriched 85 kidney: 423.8 liver: 261.6
ACSM3 Acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 3
Renal cancer: 9.88e-6 Ovarian cancer: 1.97e-4 Tissue enhanced liver: 93.0
ACSM4 Acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 4 N/A
Tissue enhanced ovary: 2.5 testis: 2.6
ACSM5 Acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 5
Tissue enhanced liver: 142.5
ACSM6 Acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 6 N/A
Urothelial cancer: 7.71e-4 Tissue enhanced stomach: 1.7
ACSS1 Acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 1
Lung cancer: 8.33e-5 Cervical cancer: 9.37e-4 Expressed in all
ACSS2 Acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2
Nucleoplasm Vesicles Cytosol Renal cancer: 2.04e-4 Mixed
ACSS3 Acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 3
Mitochondria Renal cancer: 0.00e+0 Mixed
ACTA1 Actin, alpha 1, skeletal muscle
Tissue enriched 18 skeletal muscle: 45988.0
ACTA2 Actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta
Renal cancer: 1.37e-8 Expressed in all
ACTB Actin, beta
Renal cancer: 3.78e-5 Head and neck cancer: 4.51e-4 Expressed in all
ACTBL2 Actin, beta-like 2 N/A
Not detected
ACTC1 Actin, alpha, cardiac muscle 1
Actin filaments Head and neck cancer: 3.72e-5 Urothelial cancer: 9.32e-4 Tissue enriched 11 heart muscle: 2123.3
ACTG1 Actin gamma 1
Colorectal cancer: 2.41e-4 Expressed in all
ACTG2 Actin, gamma 2, smooth muscle, enteric
Renal cancer: 3.95e-7 Tissue enhanced seminal vesicle: 8064.0 smooth muscle: 11485.7
ACTL6A Actin-like 6A
Nucleoplasm Cytosol Liver cancer: 1.89e-5 Renal cancer: 4.80e-5 Pancreatic cancer: 5.44e-5 Expressed in all
ACTL6B Actin-like 6B N/A
Nucleoli Tissue enriched 19 cerebral cortex: 45.7
ACTL7A Actin-like 7A
Tissue enriched 1933 testis: 193.2
ACTL7B Actin-like 7B
Tissue enriched 593 testis: 59.3
ACTL8 Actin-like 8
Cytosol Endometrial cancer: 1.62e-6 Head and neck cancer: 7.02e-4 Tissue enriched 34 testis: 10.0
ACTL9 Actin-like 9 N/A
Tissue enriched 502 testis: 50.2
ACTN1 Actinin, alpha 1
Plasma membrane Focal adhesion sites Renal cancer: 9.08e-10 Lung cancer: 7.63e-5 Head and neck cancer: 2.49e-4 Urothelial cancer: 8.00e-4 Expressed in all
ACTN2 Actinin, alpha 2
Group enriched 27 heart muscle: 461.7 skeletal muscle: 758.8
ACTN3 Actinin, alpha 3 (gene/pseudogene) N/A
Tissue enriched 119 skeletal muscle: 556.7
ACTN4 Actinin, alpha 4
Nuclear bodies Cytosol Renal cancer: 5.25e-5 Pancreatic cancer: 5.65e-4 Lung cancer: 8.82e-4 Expressed in all
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